Thursday, March 1, 2007

March Madness

Time went by so quickly. It felt like we just hit 2007 and we didn't even notice that we're now finishing the first quarter of the year. In our place, March marks the start of a usually long period of hot, hot weather. This is the time of the year when ninety degrees Fahrenheit really isn't a surprise. This year, March is quite a busy month. Why? There's so much going on. School year ends. Inventory sale everywhere. Lenten season kicks off. Summer job starts. And most notably, the political arena is heating up for the May 2007 polls. Where? The seven-thousand-and-one-islands of course!

There's just so much going on right now. If you focus your attention on the local scene, there's just too much eyesore. You turn on your television and all you see are these campaign ads from different politicians who are running for the polls. It is really an eyesore because it just looks so unnatural for them to be so charismatic, so nice, so sensitive to the needs of the people, so aware of the plight of the poor, so hopeful to do something for the people--when all they did while they were in office was just to bicker with one another on unimportant issues, and grandstand on their political affiliations. I don't know why, but this political scene is just appalling! It is an ever endless loop of mud-slinging, trashing, strategizing, etc. all for the good of the politicians political career. And nothing for the people, actually. It's just sad. The result--(I hope not)a government "fool" the people, "buy" the people and "off" the people.

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